Miles Little

Meet Miles
- 45"
- 5
- 13
- Black
- Brown
Fun Facts about Miles
This is Miles Little, but most people call him Butters because he just makes everyone melt. With good looks and a gentle personality, he is such a ham and joy to be around. Miles enjoys trying to make people laugh with his charm and wit, not to mention his charismatic attitude which is contagious. While Butters is only 4 years old he has already made a name for himself. He has modeled for city mouse studio’s kids clothing line since the age of 11 months and has done 5 jobs with them since. He loves to be in front of the camera and his smile is so infectious you can’t help but smile back. His favorite colors are green and blue and he loves anything to do with dinosaurs, robots, or his favorite action hero Miles Morales. When Butters isn’t modeling he is spending his time playing T-ball/ baseball in the spring and dancing hip hop at Moonstar Dance Studio. He loves to be a little mans man so baseball allows him to hang with his guy friends while being active and involved in a team sport. Miles also loves to move and grove to music or anything with a beat so dancing has become a true passion for him. Butters enjoys attempting to breakdance while having a blast and learning cool dance moves. He definitely has lots of energy and will keep you on your toes. If you ask Butters what he wants to be when he grows up, he will tell you either a super hero in a movie or a dinosaur baseball player. With his will power and personality, I have no doubt no matter what he chooses to do, Miles is going places. Watch out world.
Last updated: 1.7.2025