Rand Raynor

Meet Rand
- 5'10"
- L
- 11.5
- Brown
- Brown
Fun Facts about Rand
Where is Rand? He might be listening to a baseball game on his phone because Rand is a baseball junkie - a New York Mets fanatic, which means his is a personality born of years of suffering and disappointment, self-deprecation, but never giving up, eyes always on the prize.
might be walking through his Portland neighborhood with his wife,
Tzviah, planning a trip to visit their daughter in London. Or maybe he’s
hanging out on the front porch with his beloved cats Missy and Mumu,
who keep him always at their beck and call.
Could be he’s at a rock and roll show, or rummaging through crates of used vinyl albums. Listening to and playing music is Rand’s fountain of youth. Young(er) adulthood in Athens, GA saw him drumming in his share of punk rock bands.
He used to teach - it was the family business - before devoting himself to acting, but then, teaching was always acting, too. Just with a tougher audience!