Julie Halker

Meet Julie
- 5'5"
- 4 US
- 8.5
- Blonde
- Blue
Fun Facts about Julie
Julie is a married mom of two (12 and 16 years old), and an occupational therapist (OT) at the Washington State School for the Blind and the Washington School for the Deaf. She has been a practicing OT for 20 plus years and loves her work and family life.
Julie has a background in dance, has practiced as a certified yoga instructor, and has been through an extensive course on ariel yoga teacher training. She takes these skills and implements parts of them into her work with students and her own daily life. She has been trained in therapeutic listening programs and the use of essential oils. Julie has extensive knowledge in nutrition and loves creating (and fueling with) delicious and healthy food (especially plant based) for her family and friends (and the planet!). When Julie has windows of time, she loves moving her body (running, hiking, swimming, SUP boarding, dancing, bicycling, yoga, barre, etc.), traveling, appreciating the arts, and exploring the outdoors with family and friends. Reading, writing poetry, loving plants and continuing education are also enjoyable activities for Julie. A recent highlight is having had the privilege of chaperoning for her daughter’s Education First trip to Europe.
Striving to achieve a diverse balance with life goals; taking care of and nurturing self, family and friendship relationships; spending time outdoors and prioritizing trying new things, fortifies life as meaningful and motivating.